1st Announcement
8th Flora Malesiana Symposium
23-27 August 2010
Singapore Botanic Gardens
The Past, Present and Future of Flora Malesiana
The Flora Malesiana Symposium is an important forum for the exchange of taxonomic and systematic ideas and new research findings from the study of the flora of Malesian region. Today, it has become a large international gathering of botanists and post-graduate students who study the diversity, ecology, biogeography, evolution and conservation of plants from tropical SE Asian countries, including Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, the Philippines, Brunei, East Timor and Papua New Guinea, as well as bordering countries.
Beginning in 1989, the Flora Malesiana Symposium has been held every three years alternating between a country in Malesia and a collaborating country outside the Malesian region. The eighth Flora Malesiana Symposium will be held in Singapore from 23 to 27 of August 2010, and hosted by the Singapore Botanic Gardens. The occasion also celebrates the 150th anniversary of the Singapore Botanic Gardens. The Gardens, with its historic Herbarium and official journal, Gardens Bulletin Singapore, have contributed significantly to the study of the Malesian flora. The host country and the hosting institution in Singapore are pleased to have the privilege to organise the 8th Flora Malesiana Symposium. Together with the Flora Malesiana Foundation, the Singapore Botanic Gardens welcomes you all to attend the symposium in August 2010.
Organising Committee:
Chairman: Dr. Chin See Chung, Director of Singapore Botanic Gardens
Co-Chairman: Dr. Benito C. Tan, Keeper of SING Herbarium/Library, SBG
Finance: Dr. Chee Len Lim-Ho, Assistant Director, SBG
Secretary: Ms Serena Lee, Herbarium Manager, SBG
SBG Committee members for scientific programme:
Dr. George Staples, Senior Researcher, The Herbarium
Dr. Mark Hughes, Senior Researcher, The Herbarium
Dr. Hubert Kurzweil, Senior Researcher, The Herbarium
Dr. Jana LEONG-Škorničková, Senior Researcher, The Herbarium
Dr. Nura binte Abdul Karim, Plant Records Manager
Dr. Yam Tim Wing, Senior Researcher, Orchid Breeding Lab
Symposium Advisors:
Prof. Dr. E. F. Smets, Director of National Herbarium of the
Netherlands and Flora Malesiana Foundation
Dr. Marco Roos, Flora Malesiana Foundation
Dr. D. DARNAEDI, Flora Malesiana Foundation and LIPI, Indonesia
Address and Website:
The 8th Flora Malesiana Organising Committee
Singapore Botanic Gardens
1 Cluny Road, Singapore 259569
Fax. +65-64674832
Email: Floramalesiana2010@nparks.gov.sg
The 8th Flora Malesiana Organising Committee
Singapore Botanic Gardens
1 Cluny Road, Singapore 259569
Fax. +65-64674832
Email: Floramalesiana2010@nparks.gov.sg
Website: http://www.sbg.org.sg/fm8
Main Theme:
“The Past, Present and Future of Flora Malesiana”
Keynote Speaker:
Prof. Dr. E.F. SMETS, Director of National Herbarium of The Netherlands, Leiden University Branch; Chairman of Flora Malesian Foundation
Plenary Session Speakers:
Prof. Sir Peter CRANE (University of Chicago): The origin of flowering plants
Prof. Robert HALL (University of London): Plate tectonics of the SE Asian region
Prof. Jan SLIKKERVEER (Leiden University): Recent developments in Indonesian Jamu
General Topics:
Session 1: Taxonomy, Biosystematics and Phylogenetics
Session 2: Ethnobotany and Economic Botany
Session 3: Ecology, Pollination Biology and Biogeography
Session 4: Evolution, Adaptation and Paleobotany
Session 5: Biodiversity and Conservation
Special topic sessions: Sympetalous Dicot Families not yet treated for Flora
Malesiana, Orchidaceae, Zingiberaceae, Gesneriaceae, Begonia, ferns, bryophytes and fungi
Workshops: Handbook of Malesian Mosses, Red-listing, CBD/CITES and Plant Biodiversity Inventory
The Committee for Scientific Programme welcomes suggestions of other special topic sessions and workshops.
General Programme:
Day 1: 23 August (Monday): Registration, opening ceremony, keynote speech, plenary
sessions, special topic and poster sessions, and welcome dinner.
Day 2: 24 August (Tuesday): Plenary session, topic and poster sessions, special
Day 3: 25 August (Wednesday): Sightseeing tours of Singapore Botanic Gardens,
Bukit Timah Nature Reserve, etc.
Day 4: 26 August (Thursday): Plenary session, topic and poster sessions,
workshops and board meeting of Flora Malesiana Foundation.
Day 5: 27 August (Friday): Plenary sessions, topic sessions, closing ceremony
and dinner.
Language: The official language for the symposium is English.
Manuscripts and Abstracts: The proceedings will be published in Gardens Bulletin
Singapore in 2011.
Guidelines for Oral & Poster Presentations:
Poster presentation: A0 or 120 x 80 cm in size.
Oral presentation: PowerPoint presentations are preferred. The time slots are 20 minutes, including 5 minutes for questions and discussion.
Financial Support:
The Singapore Botanic Gardens and NParks have limited funds to support professional and post-graduate student participants from the ASEAN countries. Please contact the Organising Committee for further information.
Passport & Visa:
A valid passport is required for travel to Singapore. Participants from US, UK and most European countries, as well as ASEAN member countries, are exempted from visa entry requirement. Please contact the Embassy or Consulate of Singapore in your respective country for more details.
Personal Invitation:
If you require an Official Letter of Invitation, please contact the Organising Committee. This letter does not represent a commitment of organisers to provide financial support.
The registration fee is Singapore $230 (about US $150) when paid before 15 May 2010, and Singapore $300 (about USD $200) after 15 May 2010. The fee for students is Singapore $200 (about US $140), and for accompanying persons is Singapore $150 (about US $100). The registration fee includes conference materials, proceedings (except for accompanying persons), reception, banquet, lunches, welcome and closing dinners, tea breaks, sightseeing tours to Bukit Timah Nature Reserve and Singapore Botanic Gardens. Please note no refunds can be given after 15 May 2010.
All payments must be made in Singapore Dollars before the start of the Symposium, by credit card (Visa or Mastercard), cash or bankers draft. We regret personal cheques cannot be accepted. Please send payment to:
The 8th Flora Malesiana Organising Committee
Singapore Botanic Gardens
1 Cluny Road,
Singapore 259569
Pre- and Post Symposium Tours & Excursions:
To be announced later.
A selected list of recommended 3 and 4 stars hotels with special discounted rate given to symposium participants will be circulated later. Participants must book their own accommodation.
Early bird registration fee: May 15, 2010
Application for financial support: May 30, 2010
Abstract Submission: June 15, 2010
Manuscript Submission for the proceedings: September 15, 2010
For registration, please visit: www.sbg.or.sg/fm8